Espousing ministry in every aspect of his life is fundamental for Bishop Tyron J. Ivy. Spend even an infinitesimal amount of time with him and you will soon learn that ministry is not simply what he does but in fact who he is.
An anointed gospel preacher, conduit for deliverance, and prophetic messenger, Bishop Ivy, was called to minister at an early age in his native, Kansas City, MO. Gods validation is made clear via the trajectory He allowed through His placement and Bishop Ivy’s service to Gods’ leaders. While in St. Louis, MO, he served and studied at the feet of the late Bishop P.L. Scott of Lively Stone Church of God. Bishop Ivy earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and communications from DePaul University-Chicago, IL. His tenure in Chicago afforded Bishop Ivy the opportunity to connect with exceptional leaders Bishop William Ellis – Apostolic Pentecostal Church Morgan Park, and Bishop Willie James Campbell – St. James Ministries Church of God In Christ. But Bishop Ivy’s transition to Phoenix, Arizona would prove the golden spiritual thread that would weave the tapestry to his answering the clarion call of destiny placed on his life.